Online Poetry Professor with Dr. Christopher Bursk
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
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2014 Workshop Theme:
The Study of Myth

Week 12 - April 30
Shekhinah and Merlin

1. Begin with "Emigration"(Wilner 3-4)

"the long indemnity of all/who work for what will never wish them well"
"Elegy for a Writer" (61-63)
"If things are wrong/it's up to us at least to get it down and get it right"

2. What if the myth poems were NOT in Shekhinah -and in fact the book was titled something besides Shekhinah (ie. dwelling or settling place: ie the holy spirit i./e the feminine attributes of the presence of God I n Judaic and Christian myth)
Why did Wilner decide to have Shekhinah preside over the book: how did that change the writing of the book and our reading of it?

"Eleusis"(7-10) 'Eris, the Goddess of Discord" (11-13)
"The World is Not a Meditation"
"Strange pair to put against the blare of sirens/on the news"
"Concerto" (26-27)
"A Short History of Philosophy" (48-50)
"Caryatids" (74-76) "Daughters of Midas" (85-86)
"Labyrinth" (78-89) "In Media Res" (98-99)
"The Continuous is Broken, and Resumes" (100-101)

3. Merlin -with a little help from Mrs. Jung and Tolstoi

"A pang of guilt crosses my mind as I think how little direct educational advantage my charges received at my hands. Of what use in the twentieth century are the old stories of Tristrem and Palamedes, the Questing beast, and the Deeds of Lancelot…..?" (Tolstoi 2)

a. Merlin as Myrddin, the last of the druids
see pictures ( Tolstoi 16-20 my pages_)
b. Merlin ala Taliesin (Jung 3)
c. Merlin as Medicine Man, as Mercurius (Jung 4)
… he is the one who can bring the unconscious problem of opposites up into consciousness and in this way act as the lightgiver.." (Jung 2)

4. Small groups:

a. add one alchemical element into your poems
b. imagine one magical act you'd like to perform - and a spell for it

Assignment: choose a presiding spirit for your next book of poems (ala Shekhinah or Merlin)
End with a reading from The Afallenau (Black Book of Carmarthen text)
"Sweet apple with sweet branches"

& The Oianau
"O little pig, a happy pig
Do not burrow thy lair on top of a mountain…"
& "So Quietly the World" (Wilner 28-30)

Read: excerpts about Hadidan from "HARMLESS Poisons, Blamel;ess Sins"
and bring them to workshop next week



Online Poetry Professor is presented by The Montgomery County Poet Laureate Program (MCPL)