Online Poetry Professor with Dr. Christopher Bursk


How to provide comments and feedback

In offering responses to the poems submitted for the gallery, please make them positive and helpful, identifying what lines you are pulled to and, if need be, maybe what lines might need a little more work. Perhaps talk about what moves or intrigues you in the poem or what it triggers in you. Maybe even consider writing a poem in response to the posted poem. Let's make this an on-line workshop that respects the poet's ambitions for the poem.

~ CB

One Part Memories, Two Part Tears
by Marsha Stevens

I held the plaster from her room in my hand.
The pale peach color was like the sunset,
but not beautiful, it crumbled in my heart.
My Father's room,
green like the new spring grass,
was sprinkled over the lawn, sparse but visible.
My eyes filled with tears.
Someone's voice was saying move on.
Why do you say that?
Are you crumbled plaster without a color?

Shabbat Tryptich i
by Ronald Fischman

I advanced into the silence
to commune with God.
I did not see God I saw Iris.
Or better, spire of iris, violet on cream satin.
Rise spire of violet, seeds of plum
carry my mute soul to these plum eyes,
when gazed upon, by yours, fulfilled.

Shabbat Tryptich 3
by Ronald Fischman

The people knew I would offer my sweet voice
sending our prayers above the currents

wafting heavenward faster than air
those chosen would grind on, voice

wobbling in leaden braces, bearing the liturgy like sackcloth.
Cain, you got a bad rap.

Would that I could stride in like a dues-paying member
with first fruits of lucre, smoke rising straight heavenward.

Cain offered the strength of his own sinews,
the sacrifice found no favor

I the grace of my own voice
the sacrifice found no favor

God sent an enormous mantis,
wings chartreuse, silky in the spotlight.

swirling in my music, she spun to me
alighted on my cheek.

the offering found favor
I must remember to pray before insects

Salting the Hibiscus, a Response Poem for CSM
by Ronald Fischman

I you died on me
like Rachel on the path to Efrat
though I plantedfedwateredweeded
though my blood watered your soil

you died on me
abandoning the torments
I alone will stare out of
glass stained blue with sorrow

as I walk your gravesite I
sprinkle salt then I pour
I pour salt so that I may never plant
never forget

how I loved you
how I grieved
my grief is your
life eternal

The Mountain Thinks
For Pam Perkins-Frederick
by Joanne Leva

The mountain thinks
it is the same
with no you.
The stars
for sure.

Truth is,
the time
you sit nameless
at night
like a different
moon, you
call the good
morning bird.

Surprise Me!
by Joanne Leva

Lead me O cluster
verb and noun with studs
of praise

Have me look
through windows
and gaze

through lattice shade
Behold, kiss me
sweet to taste

lovely with ornament
Make me
keeper of your fate

Visualize actualize realize
by Jessamyn Fox

Unraveling around the spiral
Spiritual transcendence
Into a world much like this one
But parallel
Thought forms breed reality
throwing out energy
Everything waves and undulates
with force of motion
A web of
Magic and choice
Will and regret
Tug on one thread
weave another
Seeking the spiral
Hold hands and pray
bring this world closer to the next

Hallucinating reality
by Jessamyn Fox

Unable to tell
Which is which
Time is hesitating
And I move forward
Through this dreaming
Sea of uncertainty
Visions come to me
Voices over the distance
Speaking laughter
And inside jokes
With myself
In a way
An imaginary friend gets it
And they always get it
Having more substance and integrity than most real people
Or are they the real people and me the imagining
Suggestions over the void
I see myself in splendor
Understanding what cannot be understood

2012 - Speaking of Beauty


Online Poetry Professor is presented by The Montgomery County Poet Laureate Program (MCPL)