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Forgotten Voices Poetry Group at the Indian Valley Public Library

Poetry Workshop 2008

Thursday Evenings at 7pm

18 Sept - 16 Oct - 20 Nov




Wading Pool

Index Cards


Permanent Marker


Pads of Paper

Clothes Line

Clothes Pins

Poetry Books

Picture Dictionary

Flip Chart


Name Tags




Room Set-Up: Chairs in circle around the pool filled with words (various nouns, verbs, and adjectives) written on index cards.  In separate corners of the room, post a simple sign with the name of the group leader and sticker image (e.g. flowers, smiley faces, and bumble bees) for each workshop group.


Workshop Title:  Take a Dip in the Pool of Words




1.    Introduction and Pick a Word – Facilitator, Joanne Leva

a.     Name tags to display the sticker for the particular workshop group the student will break out into (e.g. the flowers, the smiley faces, and the bumble bees)

b.     Go around the circle and have each person share his or her name, grade, and school they attend

c.     Identify Group Leaders


2.    Theme: Imaging and Describing – Facilitator, Joanne Leva

a.     Go around the circle and have each group leader read one poem, which they have selected, with the group

(e.g. Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein)

b.     Think about what makes reading and writing poetry different than prose

·       On the page?

·       The rhythm?

·       Are there pictures, images, and sometimes rhyme in both poetry and prose?

c.     Close your eyes and imagine your word

·       What images come to mind?

·       What words would you use to describe these images?

·       Is your word a noun, verb, or adjective?

·       Why would that make a difference?


3.    Determine Word Groups – Small Groups by sticker image (e.g. flowers, smiley faces, and bumble bees)

a.     Break into groups

b.     Describe your image with simple words

c.     Illustrate your word and image(s) with crayons

d.     Share your image with your group (Optional)


4.    Group Writing Project – Facilitator, Group Leader

a.     Group poem includes everyone’s word and/or description and image in some way

*Remember to use the images the words evoke to write the poem (use synonyms)

·       Try to tell a story

·       Experiment by using some words more than once

·       Add other words

·       Try to write a poem using everyone’s word

               b.  Group determines title of poem


5.    Return to Circle – Facilitator, Joanne Leva

a.     Share group poems

b.     Ask:  “What surprised you?”

c.     Ask: “Was it fun?”  (If no, not fun, ask, “What would have made it fun?”)

d.     Go around the circle and have students raise their hands to share their thoughts about writing (Optional)


6.    Conclusion

a.     Next month’s workshop will be about Mind-Mapping

b.     Thursday, October 16 at 7pm


7.    Refreshments

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