Poet Banner: 2002 winner Jon Volkmer
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Jon Volkmer is a Professor of English at Ursinus College, where he oversees the creative writing program. He has been there since 1987. Jon has a BA from the University of Colorado, an MA in creative writing from the University of Denver, and a PhD in literature from the University of Nebraska. He works in many genres, including poetry, short fiction (winner of the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize), and creative nonfiction, especially travel writing (Jon is a semi-regular contributor to the travel section of the Philadelphia Inquirer). His poems have appeared in such venues as The Painted Bride Quarterly, Hellas, The Carolina Quarterly, and the South Dakota Review.

Most recently, Jon had an essay on the poet A.E. Housman published in PARNASSUS. He lives in Telford with his wife, Janet Lipsi, and two step-sons, Aaron and James Mast, who attend Christopher Dock High School.

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